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호주 NSW주 Digital Western Parkland City 아이디어 공모 (3/29 마감)

작성자 : itsa
작성일 : 2019-02-11 16:08:15
조회수 : 472


Western City and Aerotropolis Authority (WCAA) confirmed that international companies that are not yet in market can pitch their ideas to INSW (Infrastructure New South Wales).



Technology players big and small are invited to present their recommended technology infrastructure and solutions that can be applied at street or town centre level to parks and open spaces, and across the Western Parkland City to transform the region into a smart city.


Desired outcomes

The NSW Government is seeking creative and innovative solutions that target the following outcomes:

·  Productivity outcomes – including transport system ideas to reduce congestion, improve safety and reliability; communications infrastructure to provide fast, reliable and affordable digital connectivity for the city.

·  Social inclusion outcomes – including safe streets and public safety initiatives and providing access to digital connectivity and services.

·  Environmentally sustainable outcomes – including efficient utility management, and air and water quality measurement.



Eight key focus areas that the Government invites industry to pitch their solutions:

·  Internet Connectivity – How might we provide public WI-FI; Internet services and mobile coverage accessibility using new and existing infrastructure in a smart way

·  Smart Monitoring – How might we deliver real-time monitoring of the environment to effectively manage critical events e.g. fires, flooding, etc.

·  Data Sharing – How might we enable sharing of critical data across government agencies and partners in a safe and secure way to deliver better citizen services, whilst protecting privacy

·  Smart Public Spaces – How might we provide smarter public spaces for our citizens including smart CCTV and smart, connected street lighting

·  Smart Transport – How might we provide smarter transport services, including smart parking, congestion management, and accessible public transport

·  Community Engagement – How might we engage with the community, provide digital services and improve digital literacy

·  Local Jobs/Working from Home – How might we provide services that enable citizens’ access to work closer to home and provide incentive for businesses to grow in Western Sydney

·  Smart Planning & Management – How might we deliver grater infrastructure and planning consultation, design and development

Key dates

·  8 February 2019 – Industry Briefing to call for a short investment prospectus from businesses, consortia and others seeking to respond to the opportunity.

·  29 March 2019 – Prospectus submission due date. Each prospectus will be judged by a panel of judges against a set of criteria and will either be approved to progress to the next stage or declined accordingly.

·  Date TBC - Shortlisted prospects will be invited to pitch to the panel of judges at an ‘ideas pitchfest’. Dates will be advised to selected businesses and consortia directly.

·  May/June/July 2019 – An innovation program for preferred prospects will run to incubate ideas. Over the 12 weeks of test and trial, prospects must be able to demonstrate their capabilities in a ‘real-world’ environment in partnership with a local council or Government agency

Venture capital involvement

·  The NSW Government will host a series of sessions over the Test and Trial period to connect participants with the VC community. The NSW Government will also introduce participants to the various funding programs that are offered through Jobs for NSW.


f    위 건은 뉴사우스웨일즈주 무역투자 진흥관에서 진행하고 있습니다. 문의사항은 아래로 연락 해주시길 바랍니다.





문의 : 나민주 선임(국제협력팀) 




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